The company

AMMCO has been on permanent watch for you since 1998. Our attention is focused on the press that concerns you:

the traditional written press in the past, and all the types of media that make up this sphere today, from the most complete paper-based magazines to the most concise tweets.

Our services

Media monitoring is our job. Choose to stay informed about your company’s impact in the media thanks to our vigilance.

We have developed solid and rigorous experience in the analysis of media output. Discover what we have to offer here.

Your benefits

Why work with AMMCO?
We have identified a whole series of benefits/competences that make our service competitive.

Take a look at them to find out why you should put your trust in us.

The company – Who are we?

AMMCO has been on permanent watch for you since 1998. Our attention is focused on the press that concerns you: the traditional written press in the past, and all the types of media that make up this sphere today, from the most complete paper-based magazines to the most concise tweets.

Our history in a few important dates

Written press

Our work was geared towards the written press and mostly processed manually.


We offered to process websites and entered the digital era with the digitisation of our data.

Social media & analyses

Customers were offered more detail, more content and greater possibilities. With the appearance of social media, AMMCO naturally integrated this additional content.

New entity

While the world remained caught up in the consequences of the 2008 crisis, we continued our journey, our investments and our strategy. AMMCO became a public limited company.

Real Time Monitoring

Thanks to the evolution in technologies such as speech recognition, we launched a specialised real-time monitoring service. It focuses on TV and radio reports and websites, 24/7. Ideal during a crisis.

Written press publications analysed

Filtered websites

Radio stations/TV channels

Programmes per week

Our services

the written press

That’s how we started out!

Scrutinizing, extracting and pinning down the facts, recording, transferring, etc. Our team members read publications in full in order to do this work. Nowadays, this is still the case for this type of press. And it is the skills of our team members alone that guarantee you an impeccable analysis.


We are all too familiar with the impact of live media.

The simplicity of broadcasting to the general public can turn perception to your advantage or disadvantage, depending on the situation. In any case, we don’t let anything slip by. We listen, watch and send you even the smallest piece of information relating to you in real time.

the internet and social media

This type of media is typically where a loss of control is most risky.

We also monitor this danger zone for you. In addition, we will provide you with precise reporting on everything that is being said about you, amazingly fast.


Our reports come in different forms.

Emails, notifications, periodical dashboards, etc.. And on ClipView, our online clippings platform that is available for you to consult, you will find all your search results and their analyses. Our team members add to the system as soon as a relevant piece of information has been selected.

Your benefits

By putting your trust in AMMCO,
you benefit from a whole range of advantages.

Find out about them here!

Your benefits


We are constantly thinking about the ergonomics of our tools. The control interface sent to you must be clear, concise and quickly readable. Keywords as well as financial information (Ad Value) must be easy to see. Our ClipView platform, where you can find all your search results and statistics, meets all these requirements in terms of clarity and ease-of-use. Our work supports your activity and when we send it to you, it mustn’t hold you up in any way. We make sure of that too.

Customer follow-up

At AMMCO, we believe that signing a contract is a commitment to our responsibility and our reputation, and that it hasn’t been fulfilled until we have completed our work. It is our job to support you. Any questions? We will answer them the same day. All our conditions are clear and every one of your decisions is taken with full knowledge of the facts.

Tailor-made service

Media types, format, length, hours, alerts, etc., it is completely up to you to choose which options you would like. We will adapt our service to your actual needs, constraints and requirements. You can count on our experience to advise you and offer a true tailor-made service, the driving force behind AMMCO.


This is the logical counterpart of our ability to provide you with a tailor-made service: we have to be able to adapt to any possible changes in your strategy or your daily constraints. We adapt whenever necessary. Being flexible means providing you with the best possible service.

Leading edge technology

With the constant evolutions in the media market, we have to make sure we are up-to-date in terms of technology. There is a world of difference between the days of hard copy press cuttings and today’s speech recognition for podcasts. We are continuously investing to ensure we are always in line with the latest tools.

ROI guaranteed

Ultimately, all the benefits presented here have just one goal: to guarantee you a return on investment, the best proof of the usefulness and efficiency of the work we do for you. In fact, for each of our reports, we calculate the publicity value of the articles and stories. This way, your visibility in terms of ROI is also guaranteed.

A global analysis

What is the point of knowing about your presence in one type of media and not another? We are committed to providing a complete service. That’s why we analyse publications about you in the traditional written press, on online news sites, on TV and the radio, and more recently, on social media networks, which are prolific information channels! Nothing escapes us – everything is reported.


One thing leads to another… We will quickly prove to you that our team members are rigorous and efficient. You can carry on with your activities without worrying about us. Our regular alerts and reports will remind you often enough that we are never far away. AMMCO is a reliable business partner, providing an essential service, with values it shares with its customers.


T +32(0)16 443 600 | F +32(0)16 440 056 |
Aarschotsesteenweg 147 | 3111 Wezemaal

TVA BE 0842.156.473
KBC IBAN BE03 7340 3824 4984

15 + 2 =


Aarschotsesteenweg 147
B-3111 Wezemaal

TVA BE 0842.156.473

Phone : +32 (0) 16 44 36 00